
Showing posts from May, 2019

mouth of the donkey

female donkey  According to Pirkei Avos 5:8, the mouth of the donkey was created Sabbath eve on the sixth day of creation. The donkey they are referring to is the one that spoke to Bilaam after Bilaam was hitting it. With aid of Gematria, we have found an allusion to that statement. It says at Sefer Yetzirah 1:1 , with 32 mystical paths of Wisdom engraved Yah, the Lord of Hosts, the God of Israel, the Living God, King of the universe. These 15 words that describe creation of the universe equals 4637. Another phrase with the same number can be found at  Numbers 22:28 where it says Hashem opened the mouth of the she donkey, and it said to Bilaam, what have I done to you that you struck me these three times ?  This teaches us the words of the sages of Pirkey Avos ring with truth. Also the term three times, or shalosh regalim, has a gematria of 913 which is Bereishis, first word in the Torah. Shalosh regalim is the same phrase Torah uses to describe the three holidays...

12 months connects to

May 26, 2019 12 months of the year I added up a phrase in Sefer Yetzirah, the book of creation that list the 12 months of the year with their aramaic names and it came to 4689. I looked up on my computer program and I found a phrase with the same number and that is Deut 5:9, which is part of the second of the Ten Commandments. It says , You shall not prostrate yourself to them, nor shall you worship them, for I am Hashem your G-d a, G-d who is jealous and who visits the sin of fathers upon children , the third generation and fourth generation for my enemies. This teaches us that this prohibition is 24/7 and if we observe the commandment, it brings us blessings. to read more findings based on gematria - numerology, go here...

today is Lag B'omer, 33rd day of the Omer

Otisville, the last days of my prison stay Why is this day so special for me? When I was in prison at MCC NY, I had a dream that the Judge said to me I will be sentenced to 33. I could not understand what she meant until I looked at my gematria notes the day before I left prison. I looked up my notes and was shocked what I found. I found the term, sheloshim vshalosh  or 33, at 46:15, where it numbers the family of Lea. Sheloshim v'shalosh, or 33, equals exactly 1316 , which is the exact number of days I spent in prison. So 33 represents freedom to me, the most precious gift God gave me. We even see the number 33 related to the prisoner as noted by King David at Psalm 79:11. If you take the Gematria of the phrase, today is the 33rd day of the Omer, four weeks and 5 days of the Omer,equals 3305. I looked this up on my computer and it came to 79:11, as noted above. It says, Let come before you the groan of the prisoner, as befits the greatness of your might, spare those co...

charity, the link between the wealthy and the poor

Gallilee Lemon Grove  I was reading a dvar Torah by Rabbi M Miller, entitled Shabbat Shiurim, from Jewish Teachers Training College, Gateshead, England (5739-1979) in Parshas Emor and he brings down a Rashi that explains why the commandment of leaving behind crops for the poor is sandwiched between the holiday of Shavuouth and Rosh Hashanah. Rabbi Miller paraphrases, Rashi at Lev. 23:22, where he'alin alav k'eulu bana beis hamikdosh vehikriv alav karbanos betocho, or one who observes these agricultural laws of taking care of the poor person, scripture "accredits the farmer with the construction of the holy sanctuary and the offering of sacrifices." I added up the phrase as noted by Rabbi M. Miller and it came to 2922. I looked up the phrase on my gematria program and it came to equal the last phrase in Leviticus, 27:34, where it says, "These are the commandments that G-d commanded Moses to the children of Israel at Mount Sinai. " We kno...

Shabbos brings us the hidden light

I found a fascinating gematria from the sabbath eve prayers, specifically, in the lecha dodi prayer composed by Rabbi Alkabetz, approximately 500 years ago. The song says in the last stanza, bo'i kala, bo' kala, bo'i kala shabbos malkisah, or Enter O bride, Enter O bride, Enter O bride the Sabbath queen. The gematria of this phrase is 1415. I looked up my notes and it is same gematria as the phrase, b'inyan ha'or sheginzu Hakadosh Baruch Who, or, in the matter of the light that was stored away by G-d. Kabbalists talk about the light that G-d stored away for  the righteous. This gematria alludes to this special light that we obtain on the holy Sabbath.      To read more of my insights based on gematria, go here....and thanks for stopping by

Why is abortion so wrong

baby in womb When is the best time of our life? When we are born? when we die? when we are in our youth? when we are in mid age? Based on a statement in Talmud Nidah 30b, it is when we are a fetus in the womb. We also learn a fascinating finding based on Gematria as noted below. I hear in the news about abortion and I must say it is horrible to kill a fetus that is enjoying such bliss in the womb of it's mother. A weekly Torah article, from Shvili Pinchas Ma'amirim, talks about pregnancy, and teaches us the following: Rabbi Simlai taught us...v'ain lecha yamim she'adam sharui b'tovah yoser mei'osan hayamim or And there are no days better for mankind that is residing in bliss more than those days (residing in the womb). See  Talmud Nidah 30b. We are also taught by Rabbi Simlai that the fetus is taught the entire Torah in the womb. The proof is based on Gematria.  The gematria of the above phrase is 2320. Another phrase with the same number can be fou...

today is the 25th of the Omer

Holy Temple, Jerusalem According to Kabbalists, today is Netzach Shebinetzach, the manifestation of victory is eminent today. Netzach is associated with Moshe Rabbeinu , who was the greatest prophet and warrior ever known till today.  He brought us the Torah and Sabbath and it has kept the nation of Israel united for over 3300 years. The end goal was Jerusalem, site of the Holy Temple and the numerology of netzach shebinetzach is 596 which is yerushalayim. There are 25 letters in the Shema Yisroel, the most important prayer of the Jewish faith as we accept the yoke of heaven and it was Moses who talked to G-d on a daily basis, not in a dream, not in a vision but direct. To learn more about gematria, go here and thanks for stopping by      

root of anti semitism

According to the anti defamation league, we are seeing an uprise in attacks against Jews in the United States. Is this new? Rabbi Goldstein from the Poway Lubavitch shul is in a state of shock and its natural for him to have those feelings. Moreover, sadly, Jew hatred has always been around. Perhaps with media coverage and communication, we are more aware of it. Our prayer books are full of stories of bloodshed throughout our history. I had my own taste of the ugly head of anti semitism and I share my story below. When I was a child putting up posters for dov hikind on 13th avenue and 49th Street, on or about 1975, I noticed a police car cruising on the avenue until 12:30 am and then it was gone . In the meantime, me, my brother and about 15 other Jewish guys were busy putting up flyers for the dov hikind campaign.  Out of no where a grey lincoln town car pulled up with two Italians in the vehicle and one said to us, "what the  are you doing?" One brazen yo...

whats wrong with wearing wool and linen combo

Linen wool What is wrong with wearing a combination of wool and linen? According to the Torah, shatnez shall not be worn.The term shatnez, rearranged, spells satan oz, giving strength to satan. In terms of Gematria, we find other findings. Rashi says at Lev. 19:19 that shatnez means a combination of wool and linen, or machberes tzemer uphishtim. This phrase equals 1816. Another phrase with the same number can be found at Gen. 40:23, where it says, velo zuchar sar hamashkim es Yosef, or the chief of the cupbearers forgot Joseph. This teaches that wearing the combination of wool and linen makes us forgetful. To learn more findings based on gematria - numerology , go here and thanks for stopping by  

Holiness is

pregnancy In Parshas Kedoshim, the Torah says be holy since Hashem is holy. It says kedoshim tihiu ki kadosh ani Hashem Elokeichem. See Leviticus 19:2. The Gematria of this term is 1508. Another phrase with the same number can be found in Talmud Yevamos 37, which says, verov nashim le'tishah yalden, or most women have 9 months pregnancy. This teaches that pregnancy is a holy time in G-d's eyes. To find more findings of life based on gematria, go here....

thoughts on Kaddish mourning prayer

Kaddish prayer which is in Aramaic From the order of the Torah readings or Parshiyos, we see an allusion that after one dies, we say kaddish or sanctification of God's name. I learned this from uncle Shalom Langner, who told me, acharei mos kedoshim emor. Or after one dies, you say kaddish from that person. This is the exact sequence of the Torah readingts. I went a step further and took the Gematria of the three parshas and found new meaning and understanding. The rabbis tell us that the prayer of kaddish lifts the soul of the departed one.  The proof is in the Gematria. The phrase of the three parshas equals 1360. I looked up this number in my notes and another phrase with the same  number can be found in Psalms 69:15, where it says, rescue me from the mire so that I will not sink, let me be rescued from my enemies and from the deep waters. This alludes to the finding that Kaddish raises the soul from the netherworld and brings it closer to G-d's radiance. For my findin...

thoughts on Poway and charlotte terrorist attacks

Chabad Poway, CA, scene of terrorist attack How can innocent people be mowed down? What crime did they do? Do we have answer? Do we have a clue? Where is justice in this world?  With aid of Gematria, we have a clue into the real mysteries of this world that are basically unanswerable.  In the Torah reading called Mikeitz, Pharoah, king of ancient Egypt, tells Joseph, "I dreamt a dream but there is no interpretation." The phrase in Hebrew is Chalom Chalamti ufoseir ain oso. The Gematria of this term is 1726. A dream with no interpretation are like the tragic events happening all over the world. Things happening and there is no interpretation. No one seems to know why. See Genesis 41:15. Another phrase in the Torah with the same Gematria can be found at Deut. 32:4, where it says, Hatzur  tamim pu'u'lo ki chul di'ruchuv mishpat, or the Rock perfect is His work, for all his paths are justice. Rashi says it refers to reward and punishment. We see the same th...