Shabbos brings us the hidden light

I found a fascinating gematria from the sabbath eve prayers, specifically, in the lecha dodi prayer composed by Rabbi Alkabetz, approximately 500 years ago.

The song says in the last stanza, bo'i kala, bo' kala, bo'i kala shabbos malkisah, or Enter O bride, Enter O bride, Enter O bride the Sabbath queen.

The gematria of this phrase is 1415. I looked up my notes and it is same gematria as the phrase,
b'inyan ha'or sheginzu Hakadosh Baruch Who, or, in the matter of the light that was stored away by G-d.

Kabbalists talk about the light that G-d stored away for  the righteous. This gematria alludes to this special light that we obtain on the holy Sabbath.     

To read more of my insights based on gematria, go here....and thanks for stopping by


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