12 months connects to
12 months of the year |
I added up a phrase in Sefer Yetzirah, the book of creation that list the 12 months of the year with their aramaic names and it came to 4689. I looked up on my computer program and I found a phrase with the same number and that is Deut 5:9, which is part of the second of the Ten Commandments.
It says , You shall not prostrate yourself to them, nor shall you worship them, for I am Hashem your G-d a, G-d who is jealous and who visits the sin of fathers upon children , the third generation and fourth generation for my enemies.
This teaches us that this prohibition is 24/7 and if we observe the commandment, it brings us blessings.
to read more findings based on gematria - numerology, go here...
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