today is the 25th of the Omer

Holy Temple, Jerusalem

According to Kabbalists, today is Netzach Shebinetzach, the manifestation of victory is eminent today. Netzach is associated with Moshe Rabbeinu , who was the greatest prophet and warrior ever known till today.  He brought us the Torah and Sabbath and it has kept the nation of Israel united for over 3300 years. The end goal was Jerusalem, site of the Holy Temple and the numerology of
netzach shebinetzach is 596 which is yerushalayim.

There are 25 letters in the Shema Yisroel, the most important prayer of the Jewish faith as we accept the yoke of heaven and it was Moses who talked to G-d on a daily basis, not in a dream, not in a vision but direct.

To learn more about gematria, go here and thanks for stopping by
Code of the Heart: Gematria as a Bible Decoder (Bible Code Series Book 3) by [David, Earl, Langner, David]



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