charity, the link between the wealthy and the poor
Gallilee Lemon Grove |
I was reading a dvar Torah by Rabbi M Miller, entitled Shabbat Shiurim, from Jewish Teachers Training College, Gateshead, England (5739-1979) in Parshas Emor and he brings down a Rashi that explains why the commandment of leaving behind crops for the poor is sandwiched between the holiday of Shavuouth and Rosh Hashanah. Rabbi Miller paraphrases, Rashi at Lev. 23:22, where he'alin alav k'eulu bana beis hamikdosh vehikriv alav karbanos betocho, or one who observes these agricultural laws of taking care of the poor person, scripture "accredits the farmer with the construction of the holy sanctuary and the offering of sacrifices." I added up the phrase as noted by Rabbi M. Miller and it came to 2922. I looked up the phrase on my gematria program and it came to equal the last phrase in Leviticus, 27:34, where it says, "These are the commandments that G-d commanded Moses to the children of Israel at Mount Sinai. "
We know that Vayikra is basically about animal sacrifices and the laws of holiness that include helping the poor and downtrodden. Rashi's remarkable phrase teaches us that one who studies the laws of vayikra and practices those laws or at least the ones we can today, are as if one has built the Holy Temple and offered sacrifices in it. "
I was looking at instagram and I came across a site, toraharoundtheclock and they mentioned a phrase that caught my eye and it connects to my dvar Torah. It says in Talmud Nidah 70(b), mah ya'aseh ha'adam vayisyasheir, yivakeish memi she'haosher shelo or what should a man do to become wealthy? He should seek it from the One who has all the wealth. I took the gematria of this phrase and it came to 3185. Another phrase with the same number can be found at Ruth 2:16, where it says, and let some of the handfuls on purpose, for her, and leave them so that she may glean
them and rebuke her not. This teaches once again that the wealthy man must help the poor person by giving him/her charity in the form of food or money.
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