Hell in Paradise (Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii)


                                             Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii 8-11-2023, courtesy washington post

We watch in horror how Lahaina was burnt to a crisp the week of 8-6-23. How can such a beautiful tourist town be wiped out in barely seconds? There were no warnings, no predictions. It happened so quickly perhaps hundreds or maybe even thousands died within the blink of an eye. The death toll as of August 11, 2023 is 55. It will definitely go up as many are unaccounted for.  

Many parts of the island have lost communication as cell phone towers were melted. Mankind is no match for nature which is from G-d. It is interesting to note that end days or b'acharis hayamim equals exacly  earlier days or ka yamim harishonim. Both equal 726. Technology can be set back to cave times in a heart beat as witnessed in Hawaii.

       Based on my study of Bible/Torah you cant blame climate change but it is based on Judgment from the One above,  who keeps perfect score of every entity across the physical and spiritual universe. It says in Psalms, 148:8, where it says stormy wind is fulfilling His word.  Psalms 30:6 says, ki rega b'apo , chaim birtzono, G-d is angry for a moment, He favors life. So what was the setup that destroyed Lahaina, reminding me of the biblical destruction of Sodom and Gomorah? 

Hurricane Dora was barreling westward south of Hawaii while a strong high pressure system was blowing winds from north. The combination of the high and low pressure caused a wind tunnel to form on Maui. A fire was started either from lightning, volcano or man made. This spark just exploded into a wild fire that burst into an inferno that torched Lahaina. The fires were so intense people jumped into the pacific ocean to survive. We can assume that some drowned and some were rescued by coast guard. 

President Biden announced federal disaster relief so aid will come and help to rebuild the destroyed

Another phrase that comes to my mind is found at Deuteronomy 32:4 , where it says, the Rock, perfect is his work for all his paths are justice. The gematria of this phrase is 1726. Another phrase with same Gematria can be found at Talmud Yevamos, 121b, where it says G-d is careful with the ones who surround Him like a thread of hair. 

I don't know the particulars of the lives of the people of Lahaina or the ones who perished. All I know is that whatever G-d does, it is done with Justice and Mercy. We learn from the Bible that we must pray for even sinners. We are all G-d's children. We must do acts of kindness to merit G-d's mercy. 

My life was also flipped in a heart beat when my mother was killed in a freak car accident. I write about it at amazon kindle. 

Kindly support me so I can continue my studies. You can learn from my life as a guide....from my sins to my good deeds.

                                                               my mother, Frances David, a'h





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