Sabbath Prayers connects to Genesis

In the Sabbath prayers, we say, l'keil asher shavas me'col ham'aasim, or to the God who rested from all works. The gematria of this phrase is 1819. Another word with the same Gematria is the revealed and hidden letters Gematria of Bereishis or Genesis. The revealed letters equal 913 and the hidden are 906, totalling 1819. This teaches us that the purpose of creation was to give us the Sabbath. It also equals the partial phrase in Psalms, 72:17, where it says, yehi shmo le'olam , lifnei shemesh yinon shemo or endure may his name forever, as lons as before them is the sun may his name connote mastery.   According to Rashi, his name refers to Shelomo, his son. According to my interpretation, the verse to anyone who observes the Saabbath. Moreover, if you take the last letters of the seven words in the verse, it spells yom shenui, or day of change. The term shenui is used to describe acts that may be allowed on the Sabbath, provided you change the way you do it.   


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