Priestly blessings and dreams....any connection?

Priestly Blessing or Birchas Cohanim

In Jewish prayer books, when the Priestly blessings or Birchas Kohanim are recited by the Priests known as Cohanim, one is supposed to say a special prayer as noted in Talmud Berachos 55B.
The prayer says the following, "Master of the Universe, I am yours and my dreams are yours.....strengthen them, make them endure in me like the dreams of the righteous Joseph."

This prayer was noted by people thousands of years ago. The sages of Israel noted that if one had a dream and was unsure of it, he would go to the Holy Temple where the Priests would bless the nation and he would say the above prayer.

We see a numerological allusion to this amazing connection between dreams and priests straight from the Bible. The source of the priestly blessings comes from Leviticus 9:22, where it says,   Vayisah Aharon es Yadav el ha'am, va'yivar'cheim, And Aharon lifted his hands to the nation and he blessed them. The gematria of this phrase is 1418. Another phrase with the same number can be found in Genesis 37:5, where it says, "And Joseph dreamt a a dream and he told it to his brothers and they continued even more to hate him." Joseph was under the protection of the priests blessing, the love of Aharon the Cohen who promoted peace., as it says at the end of the priestly blessing, "and establish peace for you."

This teaches us that the Priestly blessing ameliorates any negative dream and makes it turn out to be good, just like it happened with Joseph and numerology proves it to be true.

To read more of my findings based on numerology, please read Code of the Heart
Code of the Heart: Gematria as a Bible Decoder (Bible Code Series Book 3) by [David, Earl, Langner, David]


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