our relationship with God

According to the Zohar, he says the following; Yisroel ve'oraisah ve'kudsha Briich Who chad who, or Israel, the Torah and God are one. The gematria of this term is 1860, another phrase with the same number can be found at Psalms 66:2, where it says, sing the glory of His name, make glorious His praise. In a simple understanding of our relationship with Hashem, it means that Hashem wants us to sing about Hashem and to spread the knowledge of Hashem throughout the world. The use of song is a very powerful tool as there is nothing in the world that unites humans than music.

to read more about numerology go here.. thanks

Code of the Heart: Gematria as a Bible Decoder (Bible Code Series Book 3) by [David, Earl, Langner, David]


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