
Showing posts from January, 2019

our relationship with God

According to the Zohar, he says the following; Yisroel ve'oraisah ve'kudsha Briich Who chad who, or Israel, the Torah and God are one. The gematria of this term is 1860, another phrase with the same number can be found at Psalms 66:2, where it says, sing the glory of His name, make glorious His praise. In a simple understanding of our relationship with Hashem, it means that Hashem wants us to sing about Hashem and to spread the knowledge of Hashem throughout the world. The use of song is a very powerful tool as there is nothing in the world that unites humans than music. to read more about numerology go here.. thanks

What was G-d's blueprint in creation?

What did God use to create the world? According to the Medrash Rabbah, it says that hayah Hkbh mabit baTorah u'borei es  ha'olam, or "God looked in the Torah and created the world." See Medrah Rabbah 1:1. This phrase equals 2116. Another phrase with the same number can be found in Habakuk 2:14, where it says,  for the earth will be filled with knowledge of Hashem's glory, as the waters cover the seabed. This is a prophecy for the future. Based on numerology, it is telling us that the purpose of creation is for mankind to have knowledge of the Glory of G-d.  If we take out one word from the phrase, hayah, it comes to 2106. Another phrase with the same number can be found at Psalm 105.3, where King David says...glory in the name of His holiness, glad will be the heart of those who seek Hashem, or yismach leiv mevakshei Hashem. This means that the purpose of life is for man to find happiness and that is with his Maker. To read more of my findings, go here... ...

Torah study creates worlds

I was reading Shvilei Pinches dvar torah authored by Rabbi Pinches Friedman and it quoted Bereish Rabbah 1,1, where it says HKBH mabit ba'Torah u'borei es Ha'olam, or, "that G-d looked into the Torah and created the world." Rabbi Friedman  said that man's torah study sustains and perpetuates creation. He brings down the Degel Machaneh Ephraim who quotes his brother , Rabbi Baruch of Mezhibuzh, and explains that the last words in the Torah, Le'einei Kol Yisroel connects to Bereishis Barah, and it teaches us that when Israel perceives new insights or Chiddushim in Torah, Hakadosh Baruch Who or G-d renews creation every day. I take this a step further based on Gematria. The Gematria of the phrase, Le'einei Kol Yisroel equals 761. The phrase, used by the Midrash Rabbah, borei es Ha'olam, also equals 761. This teaches us that when the children of Israel find new insights in Torah, G-d is creating worlds...

Sustenance emanates from Heaven

It is interesting to note that I was reading a lecture regarding the Torah reading from Shvilei Pinchas Ma'amarim on, Beshalach and in particular, the section called parshas haman, or the heavenly food that sustained the children of Israel for forty years. The rabbi brought down Talmud Yoma 75a, which described how the manna would show up to different categories of people. The righteous would get the manna at their door, the in between people would have to go out and collect it and the wicked ones would roam far and collect it. Sounds like my truckers, some go local and some go long distance. In any event, what I found fascinating was my finding based on Gematria. The phrase, ha keitzad, tsadikim yarad al pesach bateihem, or, how is it possible, the righteous go down to the front of their door "....and the manna appears there. The gematria of this phrase is 1643. Another phrase with the exact number can be found at Genesis 2:15, where it says, vayikach Hashem Elokim as Ha...