Life after death

Life After Death

The Shemoneh Esrei prayers say, v’ne’eman atah l’hachayos meisim, Baruch Ata Hashem, mi’chayei hameisim, or, And You are faithful to resuscitate the dead. Blessed ar You, Hashem, Who resuscitates the dead. The Gematria of this prhase is 2720. Another phrase with the same number can be foud in Mishlei, Proverbs, at 13:14, where it says, The Torah of the wise is a fountain of life, to turn him away from the snares of death. This teaches us that there is a connection between the study of Torah and resurrection of the dead.  

Code of the Heart: Gematria as a Bible Decoder (Bible Code Series Book 3) by [David, Earl, Langner, David]


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