
Hell in Paradise (Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii)

                                               Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii 8-11-2023, courtesy washington post We watch in horror how Lahaina was burnt to a crisp the week of 8-6-23. How can such a beautiful tourist town be wiped out in barely seconds? There were no warnings, no predictions. It happened so quickly perhaps hundreds or maybe even thousands died within the blink of an eye. The death toll as of August 11, 2023 is 55. It will definitely go up as many are unaccounted for.   Many parts of the island have lost communication as cell phone towers were melted. Mankind is no match for nature which is from G-d. It is interesting to note that end days or b'acharis hayamim equals exacly  earlier days or ka yamim harishonim. Both equal 726. Technology can be set back to cave times in a heart beat as witnessed in Hawaii.        Based on my ...

Autism of Messiah

  In this week’s Torah reading ,Zera Shimshon says that Pinchas who will come in the cloak of Elijah will herald peace in the world at the end of days. The phrase in Hebrew, she’yovo b’acharis hayamim laasos shalom b’olam, equals 2369. Another prhase with the same number can be found at Numbers 1:39, where the count of Dan is given. What’s the connection over here? The answer can be found in the book called The Pleasant Way, authored by Rav Avrohom Pam, ztl, and confirmed with gematria.    In his essay, at page 195-197 he brings down the chafeitz chayim who explains that great accomplishments can happen even from a handicapped child like Chushim, who was deaf and was the only son of Dan and who ended up beheading Esau because he could not understand what was holding up the funeral of his grandfather because he could not hear what was Esau’s complaint. Rabbi Pam mentions that from one child became a tribe of over 60,000 persons, second only to the tribe of Judah. This is...

law of opposites

  In the Torah reading of Vayeitzei in Genesis, we learn about the work ethic of Jacob, where he worked in blazing heat by day and frigid cold by night. The gematria of the pasuk describing his work is 2559. See Genesis 31:40. Here we see the concept of opposite weather conditions,day and night. Can we call this climate change 4000 years ago? The climate is constantly changing. Moreover, a similar conceptual gematria can be found at Talmud Pesachim 50, where the son of Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi fell ill and the son described the next world in reverse, whoever was on top here is on the bottom of the next world and whoever is on the bottom here is on the top in the next world. So here again we see the concept of opposite or reverse. There is an additional verses with same theme including Proverbs 28:19, where it says, He who toils his soil will be sated with bread but he who pursues vain things will be sated with poverty. We see from above gematria of 2559 a clear connection between th...

Dream Interpretation

  In this weeks Torah reading,Beha'aloscha, 6-18-22,  Hashem (G-d) says that “He makes known in a dream I shall speak with him” or esvadeh bachalom adabeir bo. See Numbers 12:6. Prophecy comes in dreams. The Gematria of this phrase is 782. I looked up my notes and it also equals akeidas yitzchok , or the binding   of Isaac. What’s the connection ? Based on the Ramban’s commentary at Genesis 18:1, where Nachmanides writes that every time there is a sighting of an angel or speaking of an angel, its all a dream. This is even alluded to at Genesis 18:1, where every last letter from the word yoshev through kechom spells the word ba’chalom, or in a dream. The meeting of the angels with Abraham, foretelling him and Sara of a son being born to them was a dream, and the binding of Isaac was a dream, based on above findings. Dreams are powerful. We need to read the message God is sending us and take appropriate action. Spiritual meets the physical through the medium of dreams. ...

Uvalde Massacre

                                                 courtesy :  yahoo news, some of the victims of Uvalde Massacre We wonder in disbelief how can such an act of brutality happen in this world. One tragic story happens and then another one and then another one. How can we explain these acts of wanton senseless, murder? From a Jewish perspective and from one who studies Bible/Torah, I can share some thoughts. I learned the following from my uncle Sholom Langner. The Torah sections are the following in the book of leviticus; acharei mos , kedoshim, emor . Or, after the death, holy ,,,you can say....It means that only after one dies, the person is sanctified and or that we must say the kadish prayers after the death of a loved one. Kadish prayers are an ancient prayer written in Aramic which praises God in the midst of our pain and suffering. This shows us our true ...

the price of freedom

                                                  vladimir zylenski                vladimir putin  we listened this morning to the passionate speech from vladimir zelynski pleading with the usa congress  to  provide additional military support and a no fly zone over ukraine.  we are watching day to day shelling and bombings. the price of freedom is very high. it comes down to the barrel of a gun. thats the sad truth. Ukraine needs all the weapons it can muster to stop the russian bear.   what do the gematrias of these two men tell us? The gematria of vladimir zylenski equals 567. The gematria of vladimir putin is 455.  In a previous post, I analyzed the number 455. In this post, a very telling Gematria of 567 is  zakanti, or I grew old, see Genesis 18:13 where Abraham says he grew old....

end days scenario

  Russia is looking more foolish by the day. Thanks to media reports , we can see who is insane. If Putin can order to hit a maternity hospital, what else is he capable of doing? This is a madman of the highest proportions. Were we expecting covid 19? So did this senseless war. We must pray for world peace or we are all in trouble . President Zelenzky gave a passionate speech to the canadian parliament and tomorrow he will address the US Congress.  This is not a war of 50 , 100 or 200 years ago where there is little world coverage. This is a war that the whole world is watching. 24/7 CNN is reporting on the war and the way they are reporting it, is 100 percent on the side of Ukraine. We learn on the news that the leaders of three nato countries are visiting zelenzky at Kiev, Ukraine, including Poland, Slovenia and Czechoslovakia, and    It is clearly a war of aggression  by a country that has the largest land mass in the world as it is. It is clearly an unprovok...