Dream Interpretation
In this weeks Torah reading,Beha'aloscha, 6-18-22, Hashem (G-d) says that “He makes known in a dream I shall speak with him” or esvadeh bachalom adabeir bo. See Numbers 12:6. Prophecy comes in dreams. The Gematria of this phrase is 782. I looked up my notes and it also equals akeidas yitzchok , or the binding of Isaac. What’s the connection ? Based on the Ramban’s commentary at Genesis 18:1, where Nachmanides writes that every time there is a sighting of an angel or speaking of an angel, its all a dream. This is even alluded to at Genesis 18:1, where every last letter from the word yoshev through kechom spells the word ba’chalom, or in a dream. The meeting of the angels with Abraham, foretelling him and Sara of a son being born to them was a dream, and the binding of Isaac was a dream, based on above findings. Dreams are powerful. We need to read the message God is sending us and take appropriate action. Spiritual meets the physical through the medium of dreams. ...