the love of Jacob for Rachel
How do we love Hashem ? © 2019 It says that Jacob worked seven years to marry Rachel. And it was for him like a few days since his love for her was so intense. See 29:20. The Gematria of this phrase is 2476. Another phrase with the same number is a prayer we say twice a day. Can you guess which prayer? A hint…Shema Yisroel. The Gematria of Shema Yisroel Hashem Elokeinu Hashem Echad (1118) which can be found at Deut. 6:4 and Baruch Sheim Kevod Malchuso l’olam Va’ed (1358) equals 2476. This teaches that the love we should have with Hashem is the like Jacob had for Rachel. We see an allusion to my finding with key words such as achadim, root is echad or one and b’ahavaso, root is ahava, or love.