
Showing posts from July, 2019

Tzitzis saves the world

Tzizit What is so important of the clothing known as tzitzis or fringes? We see them worn by orthodox Jews. Some wear them out, some inside. Based on numerology, we find the power of tzitzis.    It says in Numbers, venasnu al tzitzis, and they shall place on the tzitzis, ..the gematria of this term is 1202, which is also the gematria of the first three words of the Torah, or Bereishis Bara Elokim. Creation was made for tzitzis. It says in Talmud Menachos 43b, Rabbi Meir said, what distinguishes techeiles (worn on tzitzis) from  all other types of dyes? It is becuase the color of teicheles is similar to that of the sea, the sea is similar to the sky, and the sky is similar to the honorable throne. The Gematria of this term is 5303. I looked up on the computer another phrase with the same number and I found it at Genesis 7:23, where it says...And every living substance was destroyed and only Noah and that was in the ark remained alive. This teaches us that tz...