a link between sustenance and the ten sefiros or emanations
for ten days of repentance, we say the avinu malkeinu prayer, one of them is, cusveinu bsefer parnasah vechalcalah, or write us in the book of sustenance and support. This phrase equals 1326. Another phrase with the same number is eser sephiros, or the ten emanations which the world was created and continues to sustain the world. This teaches us that when we work to make a living, we should have in mind and meditate on the ten emanations, including, keter-crown, chachmah-wisdom, binah-understanding, chesed- kindness, gevurah-strength, tiferes-beauty, netzach-victory, hod- glory, yesod-foundation, malchus-kingship. to read more about my findings about life based on gematria, visit... https://www.amazon.com/Code-Heart-Gematria-Bible-Decoder/dp/1520393466